Sunday, March 04, 2007

From the Halls of CPAC

An interesting bit of footage filmed at the Conservative Political Action Conference by a writer (editor?) for the liberal magazine "The Nation". Nothing earth shattering; Michelle Malkin losing her cool over nothing (grace under pressure will definitely not be used in describing her), a cheap shot at Ann Coulter and some conservative flipping out within their supposedly sequestered annual meeting.

One part in particular struck me as very true and revealing. One attendee is apparently hiding his Confederate flag lapel pin, and when question why he is doing so he mutters, "'cause you have a video camera in my face." Ultimately the gist of the segment is that there are a bunch of white males, who support the all-white ideals of the new confederacy, who are anti-immigrant, but don't want the issue of race to come up. The classic, "I hate you, but I'm not a racist" tact that works so well when it comes to homophobia - i.e. "I hate the sin, not the sinner, even though they'll go to hell so its okay to treat them as second class citizens." Since conservative legislatures are moving to block rights and access to gay individuals, I foresee someone petitioning for gays to have their votes downsized to the Confederacy era 3/5ths vote. Heritage at its finest and strict adherence to the constitution as written - none of that 20th century judicial activism on behalf of voting rights.

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