Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Don't Just Vote - Volunteer

Blogging doesn't count - I repeat - blogging does not count as volunteering.

And every campaign will have it's hiccups and you'll ask, "why the f*ck am I talking to this person on the list of voters?" But if you reach one person at their doorstep and change their mind, the collective effort will prevail. If 200 people had gotten one more (white) person to vote in Florida back in 2000 ... well let's just say it would be a very different country and a better world today.

So if you're in driving distance help out these candidates in the mid-west. Spend a day and help ensure there are checks and balances again with a Democratic House of Representatives.

Patty Wetterling (MN-6) - Volunteer or call (320)229-0444
Steve Kagen (WI-8) - Volunteer or call (920)257-2592
Bruce Braley (IA-1) - Volunteer or call (319) 233-0861
Tim Walz (MN-1) - Volunteer or call (507)696-2814

Probably best to follow up with a call and say, "I can volunteer all day on November (date)." Do it or you have no right to criticize any of these candidates or their campaigns - no Wednesday morning quarterbacking. Each candidate has been pounced upon for any misstep or for simply being human.

These are the tough seats where millions of Republican dollars are being spent to protect a GOP devoid of responsibility and their tenuous grasp on Congress. Easy victories in the cities are boring and anti-climatic. Fighting door-to-door in these areas will be more rewarding personally and is where we begin to change the country.

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